Sunday, April 08, 2012


The game of football is a passionate game that is given a worldwide recognition and likewise played either competitively or for entertainment.
Gone are those days when the game of football was played by many patriotic nationals for the prestige of their respective nations without recourse for public fund. Most countries have contributed incalculably towards the development of football, countries like Nigeria, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Senegal and so many countries worth mentioning but adequate attention needs to be put in place for the development of Grassroot football such as the local leagues, football academies, which exposes talented and skilful players.
Football bodies such as NFA, FIFA, CAF seems not to regard or pay more attention towards developing local leagues, which exposes like I said above the likes of John Obi Mikel, Issac Moses and so many others.
It was a fascinating experience during my career as a footballer in the Semi Demi Junior of African Church Grammar School, Abeokuta, Nigeria [Afrograms], where the game of football was played passionately by people like Seun Ogunleye, Femi Kuforiji, Gbenga Kogbe, Kunle Fagbemi, Feyisara Lawal, Gbenga Akinade, Gbenga Fagite, Femi Alatishe, Segun Adegoke and others worth mentioning with the support of the school which provides the arena that allows the game of football to be played.
Football should be all about fun, entertainment, raising the football morale of either the country or at club level and it must not be a "Do or Die affair", which has being the order of the day in the name of Modern football. More football academy needs to be put in place and capable people are to be employed to man it and also, promotion plus organising of local leagues is also of paramount importance in the development of football.
Femi Kuforiji

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


“Sometimes when the grass appears to be greener on the other side, when you get there you find that what appeared to be lush green grass is nothing more than toxic weeds”

Many talented/professional individuals not cherished by their countries, most especially Africans left the shores of their countries to do cleaning, sweeping streets in the cold, car washing, security all in the name of seeking greener pastures. So, is the grass really greener elsewhere?

I know people in the UK who battle to make ends meet as the cost of living is so high and the expectation from families back home is unquantifiable. I have met many Africans who want to go home but can't afford to or are not sure what they will meet when they return home due to lack of infrastructures orchestrated by the so-called Africa leaders. So, is the grass greener elsewhere?

Nigeria has so much potential to be a great nation albeit our corrupted leaders. It is a beautiful country with immaculate scenery and vibrancy. When I arrived at the International airport in Nigeria, I nearly cried with joy. People are friendly, helpful, wiling to initiate conversation and smile at you. You feel welcomed despite seeing strange faces. We did bad things in the past, but so did many other countries. Is just a pity that the brilliant and talented people in Africa that should be cherished and allowed to contribute towards the development of Nigeria and Africa as a continent are allowed to seek greener pastures.

I tend to be sad anytime I come across talented Africans doing odd jobs in the UK all in the name of seeking greener pastures. I saw an elderly African man working as cleaner in a restaurant. He informed me that he used to be a high school teacher back in Africa but had to seek greener pastures to provide for his family. Although, I felt bad seeing such an elderly man cleaning toilets, I was in no position to blame him because Africa is gifted with unquantifiable resources but we are cursed with corrupt leaders who are neck-bent in selling the birthrights of their respective countries.

Every country has its problems, maybe Nigeria has more than others, but why don't we rather work at helping to improve the land of our birth to avoid running away to a life that might end up far worse than we have got now?

Is the grass really greener elsewhere?

Monday, December 27, 2010


Going Abroad for greener pastures has always been the dream of most Africans. The quest to study, work and earn a living are all centred around “Comfort ability”. However, some Africans have paid a price for leaving Africa to live abroad and also the perceptions of those living abroad towards those back home are nothing to write home about and very disheartening.

It is always the believe of people back home in Africa that ‘once you are living abroad, you are rich and living comfortably’. Hence! There are high expectations from you to either come back home with substantial Pounds or Dollars; luxurious car or become robust (Orobo Daddy/ Mama) coupled with foreign accent. However, the hardship some people are facing in Oyinbo land [abroad] are not known to those in Africa because while some are working over-time to make ends meet, some have mortgaged their lives abroad by buying houses, cars on credit or living on ‘loans’. Standing Order/ Direct debit is now the order of the day for most people living abroad (Suffering and Smiling Syndrome).

Many Africans on their return back home tend to stay in hotels to avoid the family house they grew up in even if such family house has got all the amenities to make them comfortable so as to avoid SEGEMENGE. Also, some returnees have been labelled to be ‘stingy’ for the little they could give out to friends and families.

Living Abroad is not a laughing matter because if the cold is not doing justice, working two/three jobs or over-time coupled with insults are the order of the day.................


Written by Femi Kuforiji. [Extract from my Journal, 'On a Journey of Self Discovery']

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I was privileged to a watch a documentary in relation to bullying. The specific part of the programme which caught my attention was that of a pupil who decided to opt out of school because he was called different names by fellow students.

This student was not able to withstand the attitude of his fellow peers and this really affected his self esteem and confidence.

After pondering on this matter, my mind went straight to my high school days as a student. As a high school student, student life was never boring and name-calling was an integral part of school life if you like it or not.

There were some students during my high school days that had Doctorate degree in christening fellow students by dishing out names like freebies. Many students were called names different from the names given to them by their parents, but in Africa, we do not regard this as an act of bullying or victimisation.

It got to an extent that students were called names based on character, appearance or academic performance. The most notorious classes when it comes to name calling and giving of nicknames during my high school days were S.S.3C, 3D and 3E. Those were commercial and art classes respectively. The science students were too academically engrossed with physics and chemistry to indulge in such act.

During the course of watching the documentary, I really wondered why the individual in the documentary I watched could opt out of school for being called “fish head”? Is really amazing that some students during my high school days that were called rib-cracking names like ARUGBO (An elderly person), ISO (Nail), ETI (Ear), ABO (plate), ERUKU (Dust), EWEDU (A form of vegetable), BACTERIA, OJU IGO (Someone who uses glasses), LEPA (Slim person), IDE (Bondage), STAINLESS and many more were able to adapt. These were some of the names given to some students during my high school days and this act was never regarded as an act of bullying.

By watching the documentary and seeing the impact name-calling is having on some students in some Western countries, I could only imagine the effect name-calling was having on some of my fellow students during my high school days. If it was affecting some of them, their laughter and smile did not depict their anger…SUFFERING AND SMILING SYNDROME.

Written in the loving memory of Usman .A. (Forgotten by some but remembered by many).

Monday, June 23, 2008


The difficult thing in this world we live in is love and it plays an important role in any relationship. The reason why it is difficult is because of the two types of love that exist in us human beings, some tend to be in a relationship to love their girlfriends externally (for sex, touchy body), while some tend to love internally (spiritually and wholeheartedly)Lack of patience has driven many to rush into relationship later to rush out, some tend to love for money, cars and position when it comes to career…I don’t know which side you belong to but is better to apply some common sense when getting into any relationship.

You know when you are in love because it comes within and it takes little convincing for you to know that you are in love, never love because of frustration, pestering from the other gender or family influence….Love that comes within last longer and is better to ascertain what your boyfriend is after, your avocado or is he thinking about your future and his?A friend of mine once told me to forget about love rather I should do my research on the impact LUST has done and is doing in our society, I kind of agree with her because not most guys are willing to commit rather guys tend to insert their nozzles in any v-boot they lay their hands on, even going to the extent of lying to marry such lady only to run after they might have visited Jerusalem….A friend was asking me if the wife he’s going to marry would not have been over-stamped by other guys….i just did not know how to answer such question.

Most ladies likewise get carried away so easily by remarks directed towards them e.g you are so radiant like the shining star and they start blushing from head to toe and if care is not taken they can even open up for a monkey to have a piece of their credentials…they tend to easily allow guys access unto their computer to log-in, download and then log-out but there is the risk of catching virus unless you have anti-virus when about to log-in.Love is a complicated issue with many having their heart broken but with patience, prayer, firmness, trust and God’s guidance, we would all meet the right person and make the right choice. THINK BEFORE YOU LEAP.

N.B This article has a copyright protection.
Femi Kuforiji.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


It is quite obvious that a so-called “PLAYER” would love to go around and mess the ladies up but tell such “PLAYER” that you want to do the same to his sister and try not to wait for his reaction…..Why?.....He might kill you for intending to mess his sister up as he himself does to other ladies in town.

It is obvious that a guy may open his mouth and call a lady a “BITCH” but he would not take it likely with you if you call any of his family members that are females a “BITCH”.

It is obvious for a lady to sing your praise just like a chorister in the church for buying her a diamond ring, but never wait for what song might come out of her mouth if you buy her a plastic ring….She might start singing from the Book of CURSATION if you are not careful.

It is normal for a married man to have mistress and girlfriends but it is obvious that his body would be raging with anger if he discovered that his beloved wife has been busy gallivanting with their gardener or even with his own friend.

It is normal for a lady to snatch another woman’s husband but it wouldn’t go down well with her if the same was done to her too….She will surely put on a boxing gloves.

It is obvious that a guy might get angry if a lady talks back at him when he is talking…Well! Most guys wants a lady that would be all ears when he is talking, even if he is cursing the lady….I don’t believe in that though before you all start thinking about my position in such theoretical theory.

It is cool to go behind someone else back to gossip about such person but how would the gossiper react if she knew that people are gossiping about her too?....Well! She might not care since gossiping is in her blood.

It is obvious that a lady would surely look for what she herself does not have in a guy when it comes to materialistic entity like cars, house, and money….I quite do not blame such ladies because is a different matter to love a guy for his frivolous possession and to love a guy for who he is.

At last, is easier for you to criticize this Article by saying “WHAT NON-SENSE” but would you accept the same criticism with open hand on your work too? ....Well! You are free to exercise your fundamental Human Right by making some criticism and suggestions.

Written by Femi Kuforiji.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

RACISM, TRIBALISM & BAD THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I could clamp my mouth and desist from writing articles which has instigated the need for some individuals to serve as an impediment but, do I care?....not at all.Racism is a day-to-day phenomenon in our society and the perpetrators of any racism activity either via commentary, conducts or any other medium are always seen as creating a negativity cavity in the development of co-existence and globalisation.The need to straighten our ways in this society needs to be questioned since racism is not the only problematic problem in this world but tribalism, segregation, marginalisation and so on.

When Ghanaians were ordered to leave Nigeria during the 1980s by the Nigeria Government on the basis of economic risk, it was not seen as a racial move on the part of Nigeria government but a necessity in order to rectify the so-called "FLOPPY ECONOMY", although it was not seen as a racial move because both countries are of the same colour, I just wonder what would be coming out of the mouth of some people if all the Nigerians living abroad were told to return home……Did I hear you say "NEVER"?

If tribalism, racism and other rebellious acts have constituted a major problem in this world, I think you as a person might be adding to the problem the world is facing due to some stereotypical idealism that might be embedded inside you about other people around you or your views about other people either from different cultural background or even within your own constituency. I have heard about people not wanting to marry outside their tribes, people not wanting to associate themselves with some particular people, people having negativity views about some people for no particular reason or even for reasons not verified yet, people judging other people for their language, appearance, dressing and so on.

If people making racists comments are condemn for such barbaric behaviour, I think we should be questioned for tribalism and nursing negativity thoughts about fellow human beings…..Do you talk about people badly behind their back?......Do you constitute a nuisance in public as a result of your behaviour?.....Do you consider people around you before taking an action?I would love to go deeper but in order not to sink, I would just want you to know that if we think POSITIVE about other people, we are helping to build a POSITIVE world.


Pls: This is a Copyright article and must not be circulated around without consent from Rudeboi Entertainment.